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Darkroom Basics

Our Classes
Daytripping with the Outfitters
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Daytripping with the Outfitters

Are you interested in learning how to photograph waterfalls, fall colors, spring flowers, or stunning landscapes?

The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics. Your Outfitters instructor will provide hands-on guidance, loaner gear (if necessary), snacks, and more at an appropriate location to help you gain confidence and knowledge to get the shots you want.

Hours, locations, and times vary. Your instructor will contact you directly to arrange your DayTrip.

Darkroom Basics

Maybe it's been a minute since that day when you discovered the magic of exposing a piece of paper to light, dipping it in a tray of chemistry and creating a black-and-white print. Now is the chance to relive that moment in the Darkroom Basics Seminar.

You'll be exposed to the chemistry and science of printmaking; learn how to judge negatives for proper exposure and make prints in our darkroom, and learn how to expose, adjust, and develop your black and white negatives.

$99/person includes paper, chemistry and 1hour of darkroom time.

Light It Up Class image

Daytripping with the Outfitters

The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.

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Daytripping with the Outfitters

The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.

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June 09

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June 09

Daytripping with the Outfitters

The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.

Reserve now


June 09

Daytripping with the Outfitters

The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.

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