Are you interested in learning how to photograph waterfalls, fall colors, spring flowers, or stunning landscapes?
The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics. Your Outfitters instructor will provide hands-on guidance, loaner gear (if necessary), snacks, and more at an appropriate location to help you gain confidence and knowledge to get the shots you want.
Hours, locations, and times vary. Your instructor will contact you directly to arrange your DayTrip.
• Are you unhappy with the photos coming out of the camera but too intimidated to delve into the world of post-processing? Then join us for our Intro to Lightroom class that will give you the knowledge and confidence needed to get started.
• Though the class is focused on Lightroom, most editing software uses many of the same tools and concepts, so the knowledge will be transferable. $69/person
The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.
The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.
June 09
June 09
The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.
June 09
The DayTrip is an easy, fun, and immersive way to learn the next-level basics.
Introduction to Lightroom
Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm